We all love watermelons in summer…Isn’t it. But many of us don’t know how to select a perfect watermelon i.e. juicy, sweet and fresh. So here are few tips to choose a perfectly ripe, flavourful & tasty watermelon.
Tips to Pick Watermelon
Here are few tips to select a perfect watermelon;
Find a Discoloured Spot
This is one of the most important factors to select a watermelon of good quality and taste. You have to find the field spot of the watermelon, locate the large, discoloured spot on the surface of a watermelon. It shows where the watermelon positioned on the ground as it is ripened. The colour would be yellow or creamy, and if it’s light yellow or white then you should look for another melon.
Stripe Pattern
Strip pattern also tells a lot about a watermelon. The green stripes should be deep, dark green, and with consistent pattern. And pale stripes should be creamy in colour.
Check the Stem
For a melon to be ripe and mature, check if the stem is dry and of yellow-brown colour or not. If the stem is green, watermelon is in the process of ripening, and yellow-brown colour shows that it is ripe.
Pick a heavy one
Lift the watermelons to pick the perfect one. Heavier the melon, better it will be. Watermelon should feel heavier than it looks. It signifies that the watermelon is dense, and having more water content and sweeter in taste.
Right Shape
A watermelon that is round and evenly shaped is better than that of oblong shape. Round watermelons are usually sweeter than the oblong shaped melons.
Knocking Tone
Knock on the watermelon to choose the best one. The sound should be deep, and showing that it is full, and not airy inside.
Scars are Beautiful
Dry and brown coloured spots are a good sign. Watermelon with webbing lines and spots are sweeter. These scars appear where sugar has been seeping out of the melon.
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