The regularity and consistency of your menstrual cycle carry significant information about your overall health.
However, there are other relevant aspects to consider, such as the colour of your menstrual blood. While discussing this topic might be uncomfortable, it's essential, as the colour of your period blood can provide valuable insights into your well-being.
Changes in colour and staining patterns might indicate potential health issues that could develop over time. By observing and understanding the colour of your period blood, you can potentially identify early signs of health concerns and take proactive steps to address them.
So, rather than viewing it negatively, recognizing these cues can empower you to take precautions against potential health challenges in the future.
Let's promptly delve into the classifications of period blood and the significant health-related implications that they convey:
1. When the Blood is Red in Colour- Healthy menstrual blood typically exhibits a dark red colour. This hue reflects the proper functioning of your uterus and the regular occurrence of menstrual cycles. During the initial days of your period, the flow might be heavier, potentially resulting in staining. Fortunately, these stains can generally be easily removed with just a couple of washes.

2. When the Blood is Pink in Colour- A slightly pinkish hue in your menstrual blood might point towards the possibility of reduced estrogen levels. This occurrence is more frequently observed in women who engage in regular running activities. Intensive exercise routines can contribute to decreased estrogen levels. It's crucial to seek medical advice in such cases, as untreated low estrogen levels could elevate the risk of developing osteoporosis in the future. If you notice a significant lightening of your period blood colour, it is recommended to consult a medical professional for proper evaluation.
3. When the Blood Looks Watery- If your period blood appears watery and lacks its usual consistency, it could signal potential nutritional deficiencies. Experts suggest that if the blood appears pale and diluted, it might indicate severe anaemia. This becomes particularly important when your menstrual flow becomes progressively lighter instead of the anticipated heaviness. To address this, it is recommended to monitor these conditions over three consecutive menstrual cycles. If there's no improvement, it's advisable to consult a doctor.
However, it's important to note that in some cases, an iron deficiency might lead to an abnormally heavy menstrual flow. If you find yourself needing to change pads within an hour and experiencing constant fatigue, seeking medical attention is recommended.
4. When the Blood Looks Brown or Reddish Brown in Colour- Encountering brown or reddish-brown menstrual blood might lead to concerns about potential underlying health issues. However, there's no need to panic as this occurrence is not necessarily indicative of a serious disease. This phenomenon typically arises when there's a delay in the onset of your period. The presence of dark brown blood can be attributed to older blood that has remained in the uterus for an extended period before being expelled. While it might not be visually appealing and could leave stubborn stains, it's important to recognize that this is generally not a cause for alarm.
5. When the Blood Looks like a Mix of Red and Grey- The presence of greyish-red period blood might signal an infection or potentially indicate pregnancy or miscarriage. However, the latter is concerning. As a result, it's advisable to promptly consult a medical professional if you observe such discoloration to ensure appropriate evaluation and care.
6. When the Blood Looks Thick Red with Clots- The presence of minor blood clots during menstruation is generally considered normal and not a cause for concern.
However, when the clots exceed the usual size, it might indicate an underlying issue such as a hormonal imbalance. This could signify elevated estrogen levels paired with lower progesterone levels. Larger clots could also be attributed to the presence of fibroids, which can lead to discomfort. Experts recommend considering dietary changes like reducing the intake of dairy, sugar, and soy, as these could potentially help alleviate this condition.
What is a Normal Period?
What is considered normal for an individual might not align with the textbook definition of a "normal" menstrual period.
However, typically, a menstrual cycle is regarded as normal if:
It occurs within a range of 24 to 38 days.
It shows fluctuations of up to 20 days over a year.
The bleeding lasts for around four and a half to eight days.
The menstrual flow includes a volume of blood between 5 millilitres (ml) and 80 ml.
In conclusion, menstrual blood is a mixture of blood and uterine tissues that varies in colour and consistency. Its shades can range from pink to black, and its texture can be thin or thick. While changes in colour and the presence of blood clots can be normal, it's essential to be aware of your body's usual patterns. If any unusual changes occur, seeking advice from a healthcare provider is recommended.