In 2015, more than half the Indian population - about 670 million citizens - were exposed to PM2.5 concentrations that did not comply with India’s NAAQS for PM2.5 (40 µg/m³). Less than 1% enjoyed air quality that met the World Health Organization (WHO) benchmark limit of 10 µg/m³. The world should adapt to long-term renewable energy strategy.
Clean air policy goals of achieving a high level of health protection should be the aim and it still requires great effort.
Indoor air can be 2-5 times as polluted as outdoor air — and most urban people spend 90% of their time indoors, especially in big offices. While some businesses choose to deploy air purifiers, these often entail a heavy upfront investment and don’t have the other benefits that come with building a workspace that’s close to nature. In the wake of this , JustBreathe Stations bring greenery into the work environment and are designed specifically to improve air quality and enhance workplace productivity.
The product is a patented eco-innovation by the brand and is designed using cutting-edge technology that leaves no carbon footprint. Just Breathe stations kill 99.9% of bacteria, fungi, and viruses and reduce the office temperature by as much as 3%. The stations also effectively reduce pollutants — CO2, NO, SO2, PM, fungal pollutants, and pollens. They also lead to a 99% reduction in NO2, a Significant decrease in VOC, and 99% in Particulate Matter. Research shows that JustBreathe stations work more effectively than air purifiers, are 50% cheaper and come with a host of other benefits like Greater employee well being and workplace satisfaction. Reduction in pollutants — CO2, NO, SO2, PM, fungal pollutants and pollens. They also lead to a 99% reduction in NO2, a 57% decrease in VOC and 99% in Particulate Matter.
JustBreathe is currently operational in Bengaluru. They plan to expand to Delhi in this year as well, and aim to help at least 100,000 breathe better in both cities. They will also be setting up plants in the two cities to facilitate this expansion.