Clitoriaternatea, commonly known as Asian pigeonwings which is treated as a holy flower in India. It is an important chemical medicine in Ayurveda. In some parts of India, it is known as 'Aparajitha'. It is an ecologically important plant as its micro-organisms can increase the nitrogen content of the soil.
There are two types of this. Both types of flowers, blue and white, have many health benefits. Its flowers, leaves, and roots are all medicinal. It contains the neurotransmitter acetylcholine, a natural neurotransmitter that has the unique ability to facilitate brain function.
Its flowering vapor is good for reducing headaches. It's a must-have, for any Affiliate, promoting any program. Its English name is 'Butterfly Pea'. It is good for children to take three grams of green root of Butterfly Pea flower with butter and eat it in the morning on an empty stomach to increase their intelligence and comprehension.
We can lead a comfortable and healthy life by including Clitoriaternatea in our diet which has many medicinal properties.
Blue Tea: Good for health. Let’s see how to make it
Drinking a cup of blue tea daily after a meal is good for lowering blood sugar levels. This blue tea also has the ability to improve health. Rich in antioxidants, blue tea can brighten the skin and prevent premature aging. It can be used to reduce stress and eliminate unwanted body fat. The use of blue tea is also good for reducing fat.
This is a medicinal tea that does not contain caffeine like regular tea. Its main highlight is the blue color that attracts anyone. It is widely used in Southeast Asian countries. The antioxidants it contains are said to protect cancer cells.
By using this tea, it is possible to control the absorption of glucose and prevent type 2 diabetes and effectively fight the infection of diabetics. Its flowers are rich in flavonoids. Tea made from these flowers is also good for boosting the immune system.
Let's see how it is made.
If you want to make a cup of tea, all you need is three butterfly pea flowers. When the water boils well, add the well-washed flower petals.
As the water boils, its color gradually fades.
Remove the petals from the water after they turn blue.
Then place in a bowl to cool. After it cools down a bit, squeeze lemon juice in it and drink it warm.
There are also those who use it with honey. When lemon juice is added, it changes to a blue-purple color due to its acidic pH. The use of this tea is also good for eye health. You can also make a sweet drink using butterfly pea flowers. When the sugar boils, add 10 petals and cover. It is good for health to sift the petals after cooling and eat them on an empty stomach in the morning or at night.
When making tea, take exactly the number of flowers mentioned above. The amount of flowers to be eaten inside is important in this.