What Is Sinusitis?
Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinuses. Healthy sinuses are filled with air. But when they become blocked and filled with fluid, germs can grow and cause an infection.
Common Causes of Sinus:
The common cold.
Allergic rhinitis or swelling of the lining of the nose.
Small growths in the lining of the nose called nasal polyps.
A deviated septum or a shift in the nasal cavity.
Pollutants: Air pollution, cigarette smoke, and chemical irritants such as pesticide sprays and household cleaners can inflame the sinus linings.
Fungi: it is a growing problem, especially in people with weakened immune systems from conditions like AIDS, leukemia, and diabetes. It can cause a sinus infection, but will not respond to antibiotics. The most common fungus associated with sinusitis is aspergillus.
Swimming or diving: These activities can increase your risk for sinusitis because of pressure changes in the nose and sinuses.

You can avoid sinus pain and congestion by keeping in mind the following healthy tips.
Tips to Prevent & Treat Sinus Infections-
1. Wash Hands Frequently:
It is important especially during cold weather, when viruses can live longer on doorknobs and other surfaces. Wash your hands often with soap and water especially before you eat.
2. Maintain Distance:
You must limit your contact with sick people. Keeping distance from them will help you to avoid being sick.
3. Balanced Diet & Exercise:
Keep a well-balanced diet and get regular exercise. Staying in good health will keep your immune system on guard.
4. Nose:
Keep your nostrils moist with frequent use of saline sprays or washes.

5. Quit Smoking:
Avoid smoking as cigarette smoke can irritate sinuses, further worsening the problem.
6. Use a Humidifier:
Avoid dryness as it can lead to sinus pain. Run a hot shower and inhale the steam. You can also put a steaming towel over your head. Clean your humidification machine daily.
Drink 8 to 10 glasses of water or fruit juice to lubricate your throat and keep mucus thin. Avoid alcohol and caffeine because as they will dehydrate you.
7. Antibiotics:
Antibiotics will help if you have a bacterial infection, but they won’t do anything for viral infections. Taking too many antibiotics can build up resistance to the medication.
8. Open the Windows:
You must ventilate your house on days when the pollen count isn’t high.
Keep your windows closed if you have allergies, especially between 5 a.m. and 10 a.m. because that’s when the pollen count is the highest.
9. Clean your Home:
Vacuum and wipe down all surfaces of your house regularly. Decrease clutter that can trap dust and use dust mite covers on your pillows and mattresses.
10. Conserve Energy:
Your body needs to take rest at least 8 hours a day. Stay in bed or sleep. Try lying down on your side or prop yourself up with a pillow to breathe easier.
11. Avoid Fumes:
Exposure to cigarette and cigar smoke and strong odors from chemicals can irritate and inflame nasal passages. Avoid harsh fumes and keep yourself protected.
12. Air Pressure:
During extreme changes in air pressure or temperature you may notice pain in your head and nasal area.