CDP, the international non-profit that drives companies and governments to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions and safeguard water resources, has recently recognized CNH Industrial as a global leader in sustainable water management, naming it as one of only 71 companies included in the CDP’s prestigious Water Security A-List. Moreover, CNH Industrial scored an A- in the CDP Climate Change.
Hubertus Mühlhäuser, Chief Executive Officer, CNH Industrial said, “We are delighted that the CDP has once again recognized our ongoing efforts in the fundamental areas of water management and helping combat climate change".
"We continually work to improve water management implementing targeted initiatives through our World Class Manufacturing and Logistics programs. Our increasing investments in developing and commercializing alternative propulsion technologies are playing an important role in helping develop lower-impact vehicles", he added.

Every year, thousands of companies disclose data about their environmental impacts, risks, and opportunities to CDP for independent assessment against its scoring methodology. In 2019, companies were requested to do so by over 525 investors with over USD $96 trillion in assets and 125 major purchasing organizations with USD $3.6 trillion in purchasing power.
Moreover, CDP’s questionnaires on climate change and water have an individual methodology that scores responses across four levels: disclosure, awareness, management of environmental risks and demonstration of best practices associated with environmental leadership.
As per reports, these latest results follow CNH Industrial’s ninth consecutive year as the Industry Leader in the Dow Jones Sustainability Index, World, and Europe. The Company is also included in the following indexes: FTSE4Good Index Series, MSCI ESG Leaders Indexes ECPI Global Agriculture Liquid, ECPI World ESG Equity, ECPI Global Developed ESG Best in Class, ECPI Euro ESG Equity, Euronext Vigeo Europe 120, Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120, STOXX Global ESG Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Environmental Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Social Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Governance Leaders Index, STOXX Global ESG Impact Index, STOXX Global Low Carbon Footprint, STOXX Global Reported Low Carbon Index and Integrated Governance Index (IGI).