A Gopalakrishnan, Director of the ICAR-Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute, has received the VASVIK (Vividhlaxi Audyogik Samshodhan Vikas Kendra) Industrial Research Award in the category of Agricultural Sciences and Technology for the year 2020.
The award, which includes a cash prize of 1.51 lakh and a citation, is in recognition of his significant contribution to fish genetics research, which is important for conserving many commercially important and endangered species.
The VASVIK research award is given to scientists and researchers who have demonstrated excellence in a variety of fields, including agricultural sciences.
His research projects have included Genetic Stock Identification (GSI), species inventory, taxonomy, breeding, and seed production of threatened and commercially important species for mariculture, which has contributed to improved scientific knowledge on Indian fisheries and conservative measures.
The award committee noted that Gopalakrishnan's genetic studies and technologies have produced molecular markers for many endangered fishes, which is critical for biodiversity conservation. His stock development techniques and mariculture technologies, which he developed and standardized, have contributed to the economic upliftment of the society by providing alternative livelihoods.
The VASVIK research award is given in eight categories each year, in addition to Agricultural Sciences and Technology.
About A Gopalakrishnan:
He graduated with a master's in zoology and a doctorate in fish reproductive physiology in 1991. He joined NBFGR as a scientist in Lucknow/Allahabad in 1989, and in 1995, he relocated to Kochi to establish an NBFGR centre on the CMFRI Kochi campus.
He has worked on various aspects of fish genetic stock identification using DNA markers, as well as attempted DNA barcoding using mtDNA markers. The protocol for cryopreservation of indigenous freshwater fish milt for conservation has been developed, as have captive breeding techniques for indigenous freshwater fishes.