Aadhar Card Update: By comfortably sitting at the cozy ambience of your home, now you can download E-Aadhar Card without the help of registered mobile phone number. Downloading the Aadhar card has now become even more simpler. As per the latest guidelines from Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI), having registered mobile number to download Aadhar card is, no longer, mandatory.
Downloading the unique 12-digit identification number has now become easier, you can download it by simply logging in at the UIDAI website: uidai.gov.in.
Below are the instructions about how to download Aadhar Card without Phone Number:
Log-in at the official website of UIDAI: uidai.gov.in.
Select “Order Aadhar Reprint” under “My Aadhar” option (On home page).
Fill the 12-digit number or 16-digit VID number.
Enter “Provide Security Code”
Select “My Mobile number is not registered” option
After choosing this option, you will be redirected to enter an alternate mobile number, which is not registered with the Aadhar number.
Enter the details of alternate mobile number.
Select “Sent OTP”
Check the box “Terms and Conditions”
Click “Submit” option.
Fill the OTP to TOTP authentication.
For further authentication “Preview” Aadhar Letter’ will displayed on your phone/computer screen.
Make payment for downloading the E-Aadhar.
Download the PDF of E-Aadhar & its Complete!
However, the customer must note that registering a mobile number with Aadhar card is very helpful, because it offers various benefits. One of its benefit is availing the offline service by just sending an SMS.