The Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) is working to bring out an Agro MSME Policy, to boost entrepreneurship development in rural, tribal, agricultural and forest areas for manufacturing products using local raw material, Union Minister for MSME and Road Transport and Highways Nitin Gadkari informed in New Delhi recently.
He was speaking during meetings held via video conferencing with the representatives of SME Chamber of India, SME Export Promotion Council and representatives of beauty and wellness industry on impact of COVID-19 on MSMEs.
Gadkari called upon the industry that it was needed to be ensured by industries that necessary preventive measures were taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19. He emphasized on usage of PPE (masks, sanitizer etc.) and advised to maintain social distancing norms during business operations.
The minister mentioned that there was need to focus on export enhancement as well as import substitution to replace foreign imports with domestic production.
He added that industry should focus more on innovation, entrepreneurship, science and technology, research skill and experiences to convert the knowledge into wealth.
Gadkari recalled that Government of Japan had offered special package to its industries for taking out Japanese investments from China and move elsewhere. He opined that it was an opportunity for India which should be grabbed.

He further emphasized that work on new alignment of Delhi-Mumbai Green Express Highway had already started, and this is an opportunity for industry to make future investments in industrial clusters, logistics parks equipped with state-of-art technology. He opined that there was a need to expand the horizon of industrial cluster in areas other than metro cities and urged industries for participation.
Gadkari suggested to the wellness and beauty industry to encourage use of Indian Ayurvedic products instead of imported products. The minister informed that Ministry of MSME has signed an MoU with AYUSH Ministry to promote the AYUSH sector through various schemes of Ministry of MSMEs in the areas of training, skilling, handholding and entrepreneurship development. He also advised that members of wellness and beauty industry should register under MSME so that they could benefit from various schemes of the Ministry of MSME.
During interactions, the representatives expressed concerns regarding various challenges being faced by various MSMEs amid COVID-19 pandemic along with few suggestions and requested support from the government to keep the sector afloat.
Some of the major issues highlighted and the suggestions given included: further extension of moratorium, payment of salaries to workers during lockdown from their ESI and Provident Fund, helpline for MSMEs, strengthening access to finance etc.
Gadkari responded to the questions from representatives and assured all possible help from the government. He informed that he would take up the issues with related departments. He mentioned said that all stakeholders must adopt an integrated approach to come over the crisis and urged the industry to have a positive attitude during the crises.