The Bihar Combined Entrance Competitive Examination Board will release the BCECE 2019 Hall ticket or Admit card today i.e. 17th June 2019. The BCECE admit card/hall ticket will be released through online mode on the official website of the board - bceceboard.bihar.gov.in. Applicants who will be appearing for the entrance exam can check & download their admit card from the board’s official website.
This year the BCECE 2019 exam is scheduled to be held on 29 and 30 June, as per the new timetable released by the board. BCECE 2019 Agriculture Science exam will be conducted on 29 June, while the PCMB exam will be held on 30 June, 2019. Applicants will need their email id & password to check the admit card. Follow the steps given below to easily download your BCECE admit card.
Method to Download BCECE Admit Card 2019
First, go to the official website of BCECE - bceceboard.gov.in
Then tap the link available on the homepage that says ‘Download Admit Card BCECE 2019’
Now enter your email id & password.

Click on the submit button
Your BCECE admit card will appear on the screen
Now save & download it for further need.
Students are advised to check all the details like name, date of birth, date of exam etc given on their admit card carefully. If there is any mistake then candidates must contact the examination authorities without delay. Also, candidates who will appear for the entrance exam should get a print out of the admit card and bring the same on the exam day. Without the correct admit card no one will be allowed to enter the examination hall.
If you need more details or updates regarding the upcoming exam, then visit the official website of the board - bceceboard.bihar.gov.in.