What came first, egg or chicken? Who-so-ever did, both of them are at par, competing with the prices now. There are several factors which have pushed the price up.
The prices of eggs are comparatively higher, considering the demand in summer which generally drops down in this duration of the year. Production of eggs goes down during summer and also does the demand.
CARI, Central Avian Research Institute, Bareilly, Uttar Pradesh, representatives informed Agriculture World, “The production of eggs vary in different seasons but the best season is that of pleasant temperature. Extreme hot, cold or windy weather affects the production of eggs.”
Also, amid the fish ban, the availability of the fish has dropped down which has increased the prices of the rich protein source. Seafood prices are at a premium in the South with the seasonal fishing ban in place.
Dr. Akhilesh Yadav from ICAR- National Bureau of fish genetic resources (Lucknow), told Agriculture World, “ The breeding period for different species of fishes vary, but generally it’s the monsoon season. The regular breeding period of fishes is from April to August, and in this period natural sources of breeding are kept undisturbed. Though ponds and other artificial sources satisfy the needs of this protein source, the constrained supply of fish leads to the skyrocketing prices.“

According to NECC representatives, the uptrend happens due to the drop in output in summer. The availability drops about 10-15 percent due to high temperatures. High seafood prices coupled with the holiday season demand are also few of the reason for chicken prices to pick up. Eggs are the best substitute for such price rise and hence comes as a rescue for the people who have high protein intake. The seasonal ban is sanctioned during this season and hence fishing is prohibited on the shores, this being the general mating season.