Due to the fall in demand in the wake of corona virus pandemic around the world, Indian Fish export which is fourth-largest by size in the world is about to decline by 5-10 per cent said Union Fisheries Minister Giriraj Singh on Saturday.
“According to the latest inputs received there is not much impact on the exports. There would be a drop of 5-10 per cent drop in exports,” said Union Fisheries Minister Giriraj Singh while sharing information about the new scheme launched called Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY).
In the fiscal year 2018-19, India exported fish valued at Rs 46,589 crores, Middle East, United States, China, and the United Kingdom are the main exporting destinations for fish from India.
Under the Pradhan Mantri Matsya Sampada Yojana (PMMSY) scheme government spend Rs 20,050 crores mainly aimed at doubling fish farmers, fish workers doubling fishers. This scheme will be implemented in 5 years starting from fiscal 2020-21 to fiscal 2024-25.
This scheme is aspired to bring Blue Revolution through the sustainable and responsible development of fisheries in the country. Centre would spend a share of Rs 9,407 crore while the state government and beneficiaries would spend Rs 4,880 crore and Rs 5,763 crore respectively.

This final report on Fish export is expected to come out in June, as at present there is a gap of 3-4 months after the fiscal year to collect the fish data.
As the national wide lockdown implemented to fight COVID-19 it affected the shipments in at first. However, the government exempted fishing industries mid-April which improved the situation and brought normality in this industry.
Union Minister said presently India stands at 2nd largest exporter of Fisheries in the world with Annual Growth Rate of this sector at 10.8 per cent and Average Annual Growth Rate of Fish Production is 7.53 per cent.
At present India has 22 lakh hectare of lakes, 31 lakh hectare of the reservoir, nearly 8000 km of the seashore, and 11.19 lakh hectare of brackish water for fish production in the Fisheries sector he said.
Major countries where India export is facing the worst COVID-19 crises due to which the export is facing hard times. Now things got better, “shipments to key destinations, which includes China are now going on” he added.
He further added that Indian Fish exports have huge potential in the coming years, the government is in plans to promote the export of seaweed and ornamental fish. “Seaweed and ornamental fish cultivation will be promoted by the government through self-help groups and it is working with seaweed exports in two, three states at present,” he said.