ICAR- Indian Agriculture Research Institute will hold walk in interview at Water Technology Centre, New Delhi- 110012 to recruit one Junior Research Fellow (JRF) and one Field Worker/ Helper under DST funded project on “North India Centre for Water Technology Research in Agriculture.” Interested candidates are advised to go through the below mentioned details before applying.
The last date of receiving CV/ bio-data is 6th March 2023
Date of interview: 10th March 2023 at 10:00 AM
Reporting time: 09:30 AM for certification verification.
Name of the PI: Dr. Khajanchi Lal
IARI Recruitment 2023: Job Details
For Junior Research Fellow (one post): M.Sc./M. Tech. in Soil Science, Agricultural Engineering with specialization in Soil & Water Conservation Engineering/ Irrigation & Drainage Engineering/Land and Water Management Engineering/Water Conservation Engineering, Water Science and Technology.
Candidates having 3 years Bachelor’s degree and 2 years Master’s degree should have qualified UGC/CSIR/ICAR-NET/ GATE or Ph. D. in relevant discipline as above
For Field Worker/Helper (one post): Essential: Graduation in any discipline
Desirable: One year of experience regarding field and lab analysis work.
For Junior Research Fellow: Rs. 31000/pm- + HRA for two years and as SRF Rs. 35000/pm + HRA for third year onwards (after assessment)
For Field Worker/ Helper: Rs. 18000/- pm+HRA
Maximum age limit: 35 years
IARI Recruitment 2023: How to apply
Candidates are required to send a copy of their bio-data/ CV in the prescribed format to khajanchidst@gmail.com by 6th March 2023
Details of the advertisement may be viewed from IARI website: https://www.iari.res.in/index.php/en/