ICAR Latest Job: Indian Institute for Rice Research (IIRR) is looking for candidates for the post of Senior Research Fellow under the ICAR-NASF project: Harnessing haplotype diversity of genes controlling yield, stress tolerance, and resource use efficiency traits in rice for accelerating genetic gains.
Interested candidates can apply for the application on or before November 22. Candidates can check the application procedure, education qualification, salary, and other details below.
ICAR-IIRR Recruitment 2022: Vacancy Details
Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow
Monthly Salary: Rs 35000+24% HRA
ICAR-IIRR Recruitment 2022: Education Qualification
Master’s degree in Agriculture (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science with four years of Bachelor’s degree.
Master’s degree in life science (Genetics and Plant Breeding/ Plant Biotechnology/ Plant Molecular Biology/ Plant Science) with three years of Bachelor’s degree and NET qualification.
ICAR-IIRR Recruitment 2022: How to Apply?
The application form (attached in word format), self-attested scanned copies of the original certificates of educational qualifications, experience certificates, and additional qualifications (if any), to be uploaded as a Single PDF File in the same order as mentioned here, should be sent by eligible candidates to the email address: msmiirr@gmail.com by the latest by November 22, 2022.
ICAR-IIRR Recruitment 2022: Selection Process
Following application screening, the shortlisted candidates will receive mail with information regarding the Virtual Interview (Date & Time) details.
At the appointment, original documents will be reviewed. Any candidate whose claims are later discovered to be false will have their application summarily rejected.
Please Note:
Original documents will be verified at the time of the interview.
The selected candidate will be required to produce all the original documents and medical certificates at the time of joining.
Only the shortlisted candidates would be interviewed.
Mobile Number and E-mail ID must be entered in the prescribed application form; therefore, the applicant must have a valid operative email and mobile number.
No Objection Certificate from the present employer is a must if the candidate is already working.