Agriculture is the backbone of our Indian Economy. Millions of farmers are engaged in agriculture production and are a main contributor to the GDP of the country. Crop Insurance under the name of ’Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima’ has been one of the best initiatives in the recent years. It has been introduced to take care of the miseries faced by farmers due to the natural calamities. All of us agree that achievements have been great but lot has to be achieved in the coming decade so that all agricultural crops, cash crops and horticulture crops are insured, so that we can strengthen the economy of the country.
Considering this, an Extensive International Training Programme on Crop Insurance is being organized by Insurance Foundation of India, under the leadership of International Authority Dr. Olena Sosenko from Switzerland.
Krishi Jagran is the Exclusive Media Partner in the two days International Training Programme.

The Keynote address will be delivered by Dr. Ashish Bhutani, Chief Executive Officer, Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojna, Ministry Of Agriculture. Speakers coming from Leading Companies:
RMSI Private Ltd.
SBI General Insurance Company Ltd.
Bharti Axa General Insurance Company Ltd.
General Insurance Corporation of India
HDFC Ergo General Insurance Company Ltd
IFFCO TokioGeneralInsurance Company Ltd.
Tata AIG General Insurance Company Ltd.
Agriculture Insurance Company India Ltd
All aspects of crop insurance will be covered under this program. The participants will be coming not only from India but also from various foreign countries in SAARC, ASEAN - South Asian & African Countries.
Topics to be covered are:
Risks in agricultural production
Risk management techniques
Farm as a social entity
Types of agricultural insurance
Adopted practices in agricultural insurance worldwide
Insurer infrastructure for Agri insurance. Portfolio management
Principles of underwriting, data collection, risk pricing
Loss adjustment principles and techniques
Agricultural insurance markets
Agricultural reinsurance
Innovative technologies in field monitoring, loss adjustment, MISes
Details of the Programme :
Date: Monday, Tuesday 19, 20 November 2018
Time: 09.30 am to 05.30 pm
Venue: PHD House, 4/2, Siri Institutional Area, August Kranti Marg, New Delhi- 110016
Target Groups/ Participants are:
Managers and employees of insurance and reinsurance companies
Senior officials of State Government handling Fasal Bima(Crop Insurance)
Weather Forecasting companies
Students of agricultural universities
Companies engaged in crop culture exercise / claim surveyors
Product/service providers/Banks providing agricultural finance/loans
Managers and employees of government bodies(g. Ministry of Agriculture)
For more details and Registration:
Ms. Shveta Kaushal
Programme Coordinator Insurance Foundation of India Om Plaza,
430/7, 1st Floor, Sant Nagar, East of Kailash
New Delhi -110065
Mob: +91- 7678689961, Ph:011- 46581577
Email: [email protected]: