As sowing season is going to end, the area under Kharif crop is increasing day by day. As being told this year 855 lakh tonne hectare area has been covered by different crops of Kharif season this year which is 1.8 % lesser in comparison to last year data. But on an average of five years, it is 1.4% more.
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On 27th July 2018, Kharif plantation was complete by 73.8 million hectares which is decreasing every year by 7.5% rate.

Typically, Kharif plantation covers 106 million hectares area every year between June to September. According to our latest reports already 81% area has been covered. Southwest monsoon which irrigates half of the Indian area has been normal in 36-27 meteorological subdivisions It has covered 79% area of crops.
Data from the agriculture ministry shows that planting of rice has covered more than 26.3 million hectares, which is 4.2% lower than last year, because of deficit rain in the rice-growing areas of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, West Bengal and the northeast.
Planting of pulses is also lower by about 3.9% and covers 11.5 million hectares.
While the area under urad cultivation witnessed a sharp fall of 11%, arhar and moong are higher by 1.2% and 2.5%, respectively.
According to available data, farmers have planted oilseed large scale this year in which soybean has been planted 11% more compared to last year. Sugarcane cultivation is 1.5% higher than before whereas cotton is 4% less in plantation than last year.
On basis of this data, we can assume there is no fear of food deficit this year in spite of the fact of variation in rainfall conditions in the Indian subcontinent.