With rapid industrialization, urbanization and agricultural growth, India`s water needs are becoming increasingly varied and intense, thereby producing increasing and unforeseen pressures on India`s water bodies. Simultaneously increasing amounts and different types of wastewater are being generated, which need to be de-polluted to prevent the receiving water bodies from suffocation.
The clean-up of River Ganga (and other rivers flowing into it such as the Yamuna) has been an emotive subject for millions of Indians and people internationally. Past efforts have at best delivered moderate results. It is important that all concerned understand what the clean-up actually entails. There are two primary methods which when implemented in a comprehensive manner will bring about a radical change in the state of the river.
The second India Water Impact Summit is valuing the water and transforming Ganga. The summit is closing on 7th December and the lecture is in the IIT Delhi because the CGanga - The Centre for Ganga River Basin Management & Studies organized by the IIT, Kanpur.
Continuing the thrust of the previous summit, the present summit addressed both macro as well as micro issues related to the water sector moving the market dynamics towards the adoption of an integrated water resource management model. The Government of India needs to deploy large amounts of capital investment in the water, industry that draws nearly 9 percent of water and households that get only 6 percent of surface water. It has also addressed issues of a different gauge - water quality and quantity.

There was an opportunity to develop and showcase economic, technical, social and financial solutions that can be propagated into the market. In addition the Summit tries to infuse ideas and dynamism in India`s rural and urban water environment.
The First summit held in 2012 which was an aggregate of numerous activities that had been taking place over the previous year or so in regard to managing Indi`s water resources.
Krishi Jagran-Agriculture World interacted with the overseas participants. The significant are Mr Ewan Tennant of New Zealand and Mr Paul Wood, Managing Director, Water Fund of UK. Mr wood was looking for the fund to be invested for cleaning the Ganga project.
The foreign participants were from Luxembourg, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, USA, Norway, Solvenia, Canada, Scotland, UK.
The IWIS 2017 the second summit was jointly organized by the National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG) and the CGanga of IIT Kanpur.
The highlights of the Summit are presentation of Ganga 2018-2013-2030 Vision Document. There were showcase of the New Technological innovations, Research, Policy Frameworks and investment models from around the world. The Multi-country dialogue to strengthen India`s international collaborations in the Water Sector.
There were more than 200 participants along with the nearly 15 countries representation. More than 50 Central, State and Municipal Government representatives also participated to see the Ganga Clean.