World Soil Day is celebrated every year on 5th December to spread awareness about the importance of healthy soil and to advocate for the sustainable management of the soil resource.
The International Union of Soil Sciences (IUSS) in 2002, adopted a resolution proposing that 5th December be marked as World Soil Day to celebrate the importance of soil as a critical component of the natural system and as a vital contributor to human wellbeing.
In order to celebrate the same, Krishi Jagran organized a webinar on “Significance of Controlling Soil Salinity” on December 5, 12 noon onwards on Zoom. Various dignitaries from across the industry shared their thoughts on the same. The webinar was streamed live on the official Facebook Page of Krishi Jagran.
Many eminent personalities including Dr P. Raja, Principal Scientist (Soil Science), ICAR - Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Ooty, Tamil Nadu participated in the webinar
Dr. P. Raja said that “Our work & research based on agriculture, should reach the farmers, so that they can be made aware of the latest development in Technology & how are they beneficial for them. It is also important to raise awareness about how much chemicals farmers can use in farming, how much subsidy is government is providing to them and how to reduce the hardness from water which will subsequently help to enhance soil fertility.
Dr. P. Raja Highlights 5 important Points in His Speech
We should focus on the “Balance Integrated Nutrient Management”.
There should be a balance in Fertilizers Application & Fertilizer Nutrition.
We should know Soil types & Plant Genetics.
As we have very less water resource, the demand is increasing and as the population is increasing, crop production is the only thing which remains stable & isn’t increasing much.
We should focus on the Nano Fertilizers.
“As there is a lot of hardness in the water, so if we irrigate multiple times, it will destroy the soil. It is important to get the soil tested before cultivating the crops in it” said Dr. P. Raja.
He concludes his speech and said “Whatever we research, it should always reach farmers. And, If we 4-5 scientists can help and develop one village, then this will be a huge success for us”.