Ridge gourd is a mainstay in Asian cooking because it is full of vitamins and minerals
Ridge gourd or Chinese okra is a popular vegetable that is eaten around Asia. The vegetable seems to get its moniker due to the ridges on it. Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, and Orissa are some of the Indian states that are leading in its production. Ridge gourds can be consumed raw. However, it is popularly pickled and cooked in stews.
The ridge gourd is a mainstay in Asian cooking because it is full of vitamins and minerals. For instance, it is a rich source of vitamins A and C, magnesium, folate, sodium, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, and beta-carotene. It is also low in calories, saturated fats, and cholesterol, along with being rich in dietary fibre that eases digestion and makes bowel movements regular.
Now, let’s take a look at how to plant and take care of ridge gourd.
Climate and Season
The best time to sow ridge gourd seeds is either January or July. This crop prefers a warm humid climate for its cultivation. The optimal temperature for its growth and development is between 25 to 30 degrees Celsius.
The pH of the soil should range between 6.5 to 7.5. Ridge gourd thrives in Sandy loam soil that is rich in organic matter. The field must be ploughed to fine filth and weeds must be removed prior to sowing. There should be adequate spacing between each row with a distance of at least 1.5 to 2.5 m.
If you plan on sowing seeds, then sow three seeds per pit. So, on a 1-hectare plot, depending on the variety of ridge gourd, 1 to 2 kg seeds are required. Sow 5 seeds per pit. After 15 days, thin the seedlings to two per pit.
250: 100: 100 kg NPK/ha is applied to the crop throughout the cropping period through the split application. Before the seeds are sown, organic manure is applied to the soil. And after the seeds are sown, 10 days into the crop establishment stage a small dose of fertilizer is applied. Fertilizer is applied again when the crop reaches the vegetative stage, flower blooming, and harvesting stage.
The ridge gourd crop thrives in humid conditions. When it comes to watering the crop, it is important to not overwater or underwater it as it can hinder the crop’s growth and development. The soil’s moisture levels can be maintained by weekly watering the crop.
Weed Control
Weed management is done before the seeds are done. For weed control, you can apply Baslin @ 2 to 2.5 litre per hectare. Weed growth can also be managed by hoeing the weeds. If you notice weed growing alongside your crop, then Ethrel 250 ppm can be sprayed to control its growth.
Pest and Disease Management
The ridge gourd crop is prone to several pest infestations and diseases.
Powdery mildew- Powdery mildew is a disease that causes white or grey patches to appear on leaves. It can be treated by spraying Karathane, Calixin, or Carbendazim fortnightly until the symptoms go away.
Red pumpkin beetle- Red pumpkin beetle is a pest that eats all of the leaves. Infestation can be treated by spraying carbaryl on the crop.
Gummy stem blight- Gummy stem blight is a common disease that occurs during the rainy season. Failure to control this disease leads to the fruits developing black rot. It can be treated by spraying Mancozeb or Carbendiazim.
Leaf miner- As the name suggests, leaf miner mines the leaves of the crop. Its infestation can be treated by spraying neem kernel or Thiomethoxane.
This crop grows fairly quickly and its fruit is ready to be harvested in 2 months. Generally, the fruits are harvested in their immature and tender stage. The fruit quality tends to reduce as the harvest delays.