Mr. Arun Kumar Mohapatra is a Retd. Subedar Major and is now a progressive farmer residing at Badhei Sahi, Gopalpur, Cuttack. He works for the cultivation of Prawns in the area. He started farming with an area of 1 Acre and has now expanded to an area of 5 acres. The major variety grown by him is Litopenaeus Vannamei (White Leg Shrimp).
This variety has high demand in abroad. Most produce grown in his farm is exported to European countries. In India there are many companies in aqua export business who buy back their harvest for further export.
In their area most of the farmers are cultivating in traditional methods but are using new scientific methods for cultivation.
As per his viewpoint, the aquaculture can be profitable if we just follow the updated scientific procedure and can serve as a great means of warning and economic benefits to the farmers.
On 14th June 2020, Mr Arun was live with Krishi Jagran through its new #Farmerthebrand #FTB campaign wherein he shared his farming experiences with the viewers.