Rabi Sowing has started in many states of the country. UP Government is offering Agriculture Machinery on subsidy to help the farmers in Rabi Season.
The booking of these agricultural machinery will be starting from Friday, November 18. The farmers have to apply online. According to the news published in the media, interested farmers of nine mandals will be able to apply on first-come-first-served basis till November 18. Division wise dates have been fixed for this. Let us inform that the booking of agricultural machines was to be completed in the month of October itself, but, the process was postponed due to the hacking of the portal, now it is being started again after conducting a security audit of the portal.
According to Joint Director Engineering Neeraj Srivastava, the booking of agricultural machines for nine divisions is starting from 11 am on Friday, which will run till November 18, division wise. In this, the target is to give grant on more than 30 thousand machines.
How much Subsidy will be given on Agricultural Machinery
40 to 50 percent subsidy will be given on agricultural machinery. In this, priority will be given to scheduled castes, tribes and women farmers. Security deposit will not have to be given on subsidy up to 10 thousand rupees
Register to get Agricultural Machinery on Subsidy
To get the benefit of agricultural machinery on subsidy, it will be necessary for the farmer to register. The process of generating the token, which is as follows-
First of all farmers have to go to the official website of Kisan Seva Yojana: http://upagriculture.com/Default.aspx
Now the home page of the website will open in front of you, on which you have to click on the option of withdraw token for grant on the device.
In the next page, the applicant will see several options for arranging Yantra Token. Farmers have to choose accordingly.
After this, the applicant farmer has to select his district and enter the registration number by selecting the option of registration number.
When all the information is entered, click on the Search button. Under this, the applicant farmer will have to choose his equipment.
Then click on proceed and enter the information that is asked. With this, the process of applying for agricultural machinery on subsidy will be completed