The horticulture sector is expanding rapidly because to its enormous potential for enhancing nutrition and well-being, increasing farm revenue, creating job opportunities, and earning foreign exchange.
Horticulture is also considered as a major driver of agricultural expansion in India. It accounts for about 30% of agriculture's gross domestic product (GDP). The acreage and production of horticulture crops in India are quickly expanding, with a current area of 28.08 million ha and an annual production of 342.3 million tonnes.
In response to rising demands, rapid technological innovation in several sectors such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), Big Data, Next Generation Sequencing, and Genome Editing opened up new options for precise cultivation and the development of novel crop types in horticulture.
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: 10th Indian Horticulture Congress-2023
Website: https://krishijagran.com/
Date: 06-09 November 2023
Krishi Jagran
Mobile: 9818893548, 9818893752
Email: info@krishijagran.com