
13th Edition of GrainEx India

13th Edition of GrainEx India
13th Edition of GrainEx India

The top technology-oriented exposition and conference on the grain milling business in India will be held in Solapur, Maharashtra (India) on the 01-03 December 2023.

GrainEx India is supported by famous Indian Agri and food organizations, such as the All India Dal Mills Association, Maharashtra Dal Mills Association, Solapur Dal Mills Association, and others, who bring strength and value to the event.

GrainEx India caters to the expanding needs of the developing grain sector, hence creating a platform to build business and explore the market.

For Other Details, Please Contact:

Event Name: 13th Edition of GrainEx India
Date: 06-08 December 2023

Krishi Jagran

Mobile: 91 8076942046, 9818893548, 9818893752


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