Webinar on ‘Net Zero Agriculture: The Challenges Facing Our Food Chain’ will be organized by RSK Group Limited on 28 October 2021 in virtual Format. Explore with this webinar- how we can take corrective actions now to do what’s right and reduce our industry’s impact on the climate.
Why to Visit?
The food industry has committed to delivering this by 2040. There is a lot to do, and a lot to take into account, to continue to feed the nation, but there are many solutions already available, especially at the agricultural end of the supply chain, which is the source of nearly two-thirds of the food industry’s greenhouse gas emissions.
To discuss the challenges faced by the agricultural part of the food industry in targeting net zero.
To focus in recent years has been on reducing the climate impact of agricultural production, looking at strategies to reduce on-farm emissions
The supply chain helps it move towards net-zero food production but recognizes that this is a massive challenge in a natural system, so aims to find practical solutions to help minimize climate impact.
For Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Net Zero Agriculture: The Challenges Facing Our Food Chain
Website: https://rskgroup.com/
Date: 28 October 2021
RSK Group Limited
Address: Spring Lodge, 172 Chester Road, Helsby, Cheshire, WA6 0AR, UK
Mobile: 01928 726006
Email: communications@rsk.co.uk
Registration Link: