IARI recognises farmer innovations and promotes and nurtures the talents behind grass-root technologies. Every year during the Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela, the IARI Innovative Farmer award is bestowed upon 25-30 farmers, and the "IARI Fellow Farmer" award is bestowed upon a few outstanding farmers based on their outstanding contributions in the generation and dissemination of agricultural innovations.
Major Attractions:
Live demonstrations on production technologies of Rabi crops
Technologies for protected cultivation of vegetables and flowers
Various agencies display and sell bio-fertilizers and agrochemicals.
Display and sale of farm equipments and machinery by the ICAR Institute and private companies
lARl and other public and private organisations sell HYV crop seeds, saplings, and seedlings
Free soil and water testing facilities
Irrigation technology for water conservation
Display and sale of Innovative Farmers' products
Free distribution of farm literature
Innovative farmers’ meet
National Flower Show
Kisan Gosthi
Free stay arrangement for farmers
For Stall Booking, and Other Details, Please Contact:
Event Name: Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2023
Website: https://krishijagran.com/
Date: 02-04 March, 2023
Krishi Jagran
Address: Metro Station Green Park, 60/9,
Yusuf Sarai Market, New Delhi, Delhi 110016, India
Mobile: 91 8076942046, 9818893548, 9818893752
Email: info@krishijagran.com