The biennial Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit has evolved from making Gujarat an ideal business hub to showcasing the best global business practices for everyone to share, emulate and improve upon. India has emerged as a global business destination over the years and today Vibrant Gujarat Global Summit is the biggest international business event in Asia. The keywords of the Summit are inclusive development through policy driven governance and effective business promotion.
There is no better platform in Asia for sharing knowledge and networking. India's epoch-making economic realignments and challenges made into opportunities will be highlighted at the Summit.
The vibrant Gujarat Global Summit 2019 will see the crème de la crème of global business leaders, heads of states and governments, policy makers, corporate leaders, academicians and experts from across the world to further investments and promote economic cooperation.
Industrial Extension Bureau, popularly known as iNDEXTb, is a Government of Gujarat Organisation established with the objective of accelerating the industrial development in the State. The Bureau acts as a single - point contact for entrepreneurs for establishing industrial ventures. In order to cater to varied needs of entrepreneurs, iNDEXTb has established separate cells like Investment Promotion Division, International Business Division, Project & Technology Division, IT Division etc. which are headed by senior officers.
The Bureau acts as a catalyst of Industries Department of the Government in propagating industrial promotional policies, attracting industrial investment, organising mega events, seminars, industrial fairs etc. iNDEXTb is an ISO 90001-2015 certified organisation
Event Name: Vibrant Gujrat 2019
Date: 18-22 January 2019
Venue: Sector-17, Behind Town Hall, Gandhinagar, Gujarat
Contact on below addresses for stall booking:
Office Address: 207 - 208, Harmony Icon, Nr. Baghban Party Plot,
Thaltej-Hebatpur Road, Thaltej, Ahmedabad-380059
Mobile: +91 99090 41613, 99090 41618
Emal: vggts@kdclglobal.com, vggts@kmgindia.com
Website: http://www.vggts2019.com